Schematic Circuits ==>

Lm3915-lm3916 19 Led Vumeter

A circuit of measurement of level based on a typical application of National. The circuit round the IC1 makes input adaptation and amplification with the trimmer TR1 [GAIN]. The circuit round the IC2 makes half-wave rectification of acoustic signal. With switch S1, we s e l e c t the type of indication, that we will have from the LED. With the prices in resistances R6 and R7 that exists in the circuit, the level of signal, in the entry is 7.8V (gain of first stage IC1, is one), and the difference of level between the LED D10-11, should are 3 db. The positive department of supply, should have the possibility of giving more current, one and it is overloaded with the current of LED..

LM3915 LM3916 19Led Vumeter A52E8.gif

Part List

R1-2=10Kohm C1=100uF 25V D1-19=LED 3 or 5mm any colour. R3-4=10Kohm C2-5=10uF 25V D20-21=1N4148 R5-8-9=1Kohm C3-4=100nF 100V  R6=330Kohm C6=1uF 25V IC1=TL 072 R7=62Kohm  IC2=LM3915 TR1=47Kohm Trimmer S1=mini Switch  IC3=LM3916

Source  : users.otenet.gr/~athsam

Keywords : LM3915-LM3916, 19, Led, VuMeter
Writer : delon  |
8 Feb 2011 Tue   
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