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35w Bridged Audio Power Amplifier With TDA2030


This is a 35W audio power amplifier built with TDA2030 in a bridge connection with a +15V symmetric PS. It is easy to build, do it yourself audio amplifier which will deliver up to 35W on a 8Ω speaker. Please use a good headsink to cool down the TDA2030 power amplifier.

TDA2030 integrates circuits are very cheap and usefull if you want to start a small audio amplifier. The only thing you have to consider is to use a good power supply and heatsink or you’ll risk to burn this precious IC amplifier. The TDA2030 is a monolithic integrated circuit in Pentawatt package, intended for use as a low frequency class AB amplifier. Typically it provides 14W output power (d = 0.5%) at 14V/4W; at ± 14V or 28V, the guaranteed output power is 12W on a 4W load and 8W on a 8W.

TDA2030 bridge connection power amplifier:


tda2030  35W bridged audio amplifier DZ63D.gif

Keywords : 35w, Bridged, Audio, Power, Amplifier, Tda2030
Writer : delon  |
8 Feb 2011 Tue   
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