12 V Battery Tester
This kit measures battery voltage. The red LED (closest to the IC) indicates a low status 11.5Volts or less. The yellow LED indicates 50% charge 12.0V. The green LED indicates 12.6V or full charge.
This kit also measures the charging status. Turn the charging system on or start the vehicle. The red LED (at the extreme end from IC) indicates overcharge 15.5V. The green LED indicates maximum charge voltage 14.5V. The yellow LED indicates normal charging voltage 13.2V.
PCB Layout:

Inspect the tracks for fine breaks and test the continuity of each track with an electronic circuit tester or ohm-meter.
Identify the resistors using a multimeter or the Resistor Colour Chart
Bend the legs of the resistors to match their respective holes and push them through from the plain side of the P.C.Board. Solder in place - refer Soldering Technique
The two 9.1V Zener diodes can be bent to shape and mounted with their band to the K end of the space.
The 16 pin IC socket can be pushed carefully into place. Solder in place.
The trimpot can now be inserted and soldered.
Two pins can be pushed into the holes where the leads connect. These can be soldered off.
The six LED´s can be inserted observing polarity and colour position, then solder in place.
Using wire strippers, bare and tin the ends of the red and black wire.
Solder the clips to each wire to finish the leads.
Solder the red lead to positive and black lead to negative.
Establish the correct orientation of the ULN2003 with the locating dot on the IC and on the diagrams. Insert the ULN2003 into the socket with care.
The 12 V Battery Tester is now complete and ready for calibration.
Source : http://cdselectronics.com
Keywords :
Writer : delon |
8 Feb 2011 Tue