Schematic Circuits ==>

A Simple 9 Volt 2 Amp Power Supply

A simple 9 Volt 2 amp supply using a single IC regulator.

A simple 9 Volt 2 amperes power supply Schematic circuit
 There is little to be said about this circuit. All the work is done by the regulator. The 78S09 can deliver up to 2 amps continuous output whilst maintaining a low noise and very well regulated supply.
The circuit will work without the extra components, but for reverse polarity protection a 1N5400 diode is provided at the input, extra smoothing being provided by C1. The output stage includes C2 for extra filtering, if powering a logic circuit than a 100nF capacitor is also desirable to remove any high frequency switching noise.

Keywords : Schematic, Power, Supply, IC, Volt, Amperes, Regulator, Regula, Simple
Writer : delon  |
8 Jan 2007 Mon   
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