
Opamp Classes And Major Characteristics

The  Classes of opamps and major characteristics

Class Characteristics Devices
General purpose "741" type Slower speed, average dc specs uA741, 1448, LM324
JFET input types Higher slew rate and bandwidth, slightly worse dc specs, very low input bias current TL07x, TL08x, LM356, LM357
Decompensated general purpose Very fast speed used open loop, average dc specs 748, uA301
CMOS opamps Higher slew rate and bandwidth, slightly worse dc specs, very very low input bias current, lower supply voltage and output current CA3130, CA3140
High precision Very good dc specs, low speed OP07
High precision, low noise, high speed Audio capable slew rate and bandwidth, excellent dc specs, average input bias current, low noise OP27, OPA275
Audio opamp Audio capable slew rate and bandwidth, slightly worse dc specs, higher input bias current, low noise NE3324, NE3332
High speed opamp High slew rate and bandwidth, worse dc specs, higher input bias current LM318

Keywords : Opamp, Specification, Classes, Audio, 74, JFET, Types, Decompensated, Very Fast, CMOS Opamps, High Precision, High Speed, LM318, NE3324, NE3332, OP27, OPA275, OP07, CA3130, CA3140, 748, UA301, TL07x, TL08x, LM356, LM357, UA741, 1448, LM324, UA741, 1448, LM324
Writer : delon  |
19 Apr 2006 Wed   
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