
Pic İntroduction

Pic introduction 

What are PICs?

PIC is a type of microcontrollers that made Microchip company

generally the pics are 8 bit microprocessors with small rom,ram and simple peripherals packaged on a single chip.

What is the mean of PIC?

first letter of Perriperal Interface Conroller.

The pics name begins with a number. for example 12,16,17,18 (like 16F84 and 16f877,16F628 etc.)
16 Indicate the most popular one at the moment, 14 bit core processor wide selection range

12 Usually indicates small 8 pin devices, and ideal for simple circuits.
tne number 18 Are the new 16 bit models.

Some PIC´s


The features of this MCU

  • 8-bit microcontroller (MCU) with 14-bit instruction set
  • 18-pin dualinline package (dip) with 13 input/output lines
  • 25mA max. sink per pin, 20mA max. source per pin
  • 35 single-word instruction set, each word 400ns at 10MHz
  • 1024 x 14-bit ´words´ of FLASH program memory
  • DC-10MHz clock, DC-400ns instruction cycle
  • 68 x 8 bits of program RAM (SRAM)
  • 8-level hardware stack
  • Power consumption: <2mA @ 5V, 4MHz; <1uA standby at 2V
  • Timer0 : 8  bit timer/counter with 8-bit programmable prescaler

insruction set


Keywords : Pic6f84, Pic, Introduction, What Are PICs, Insruction, Set, Assembler
Writer : delon  |
13 Apr 2006 Thr   
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